It is the sequel to Halloween (2018) and the twelfth installment in the Halloween franchise. The film stars Jamie Lee Curtis, Judy Greer, Andi Matichak, Will ...

Halloween Kills

R · 2021 ‧ Horror/Action ‧ 1h 46m
5.5/10 · IMDb 39% · Rotten Tomatoes 42% · Metacritic
The nightmare isn't over as unstoppable killer Michael Myers escapes from Laurie Strode's trap to continue his ritual bloodbath. Injured and taken to the hospital, Laurie reunites with Tommy Doyle, the boy she was babysitting on the night Michael...
Release date: October 15, 2021 (USA)
Budget: 20 million USD
Box office: $133.4 million
Distributed by: Universal Pictures
Based on: Characters; by: John Carpenter; Debra Hill
People also ask
What went wrong with Halloween Kills?
Karen's death was controversial and so was Laurie being sidelined for the entire movie, but the biggest mistake (and complaint) of Halloween Kills was making Michael Myers supernatural again, for no reason and without explanation.
Is Halloween Kills free on Peacock?
Is Halloween Kills good or bad?
Halloween Kills is a loudly dreadful film, filled with astonishingly terrible story decisions, execrable dialogue and a plethora of wasted characters with little or no redemptive quality.
Which is first, Halloween Ends or Halloween Kills?
Halloween Kills is a direct sequel to 2018's Halloween, which served as both a direct sequel to John Carpenter's original 1978 film, AND a retcon of the series.
Rating (102,695)
People are literally throwing themselves into Michael Myers' path to be murdered when they could easily avoid it. People go off, alone, in a house to go looking ...
Rating (278)
The Strode women join a group of other survivors of Michael's first rampage who decide to take matters into their own hands, forming a vigilante mob that sets ...
Jun 24, 2021 · Halloween Kills In Theaters and Streaming Only on Peacock October 15 In 2018, David Gordon Green's Halloween ...
Rating (424) · $6.99 delivery
Experience the epic end of Michael Myers and Laurie Strode's long vendetta as Halloween, Halloween Kills, and Halloween Ends bring the celebrated horror ...
Oct 20, 2024 · r/Halloweenmovies - What Halloween Movie is your favorite that's not Halloween 1978 ? 186 upvotes · 168 comments ...
Sep 18, 2023 · Overall Halloween Kills is a slick, big budget fan film that, while has its great moments, is bogged down with terrible dialogue, obnoxious characters, and a ...
The most acclaimed and revered horror franchise in film history reaches its epic, terrifying conclusion as Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) faces off for the ...
An injured Laurie Strode leads a vigilante mob to hunt down unstoppable killer Michael Myers and end his reign of terror once and for all.
The Strode women join a group of other survivors of Michael's first rampage who decide to take matters into their own hands, forming a vigilante mob that sets ...